Who is My Neighbor? The Good Samaritan

The most important commandment for the Jews was the observance of the Sabbath. But the most important commandment for Jesus was to love God and your neighbor. In tonight’s retreat, Cardinal Seán poses the question, Who is my neighbor? We find the answer in the parable of the Good Samaritan, who didn’t see a stranger, but another fallen human being, in need of help.
The most important commandment for the Jews was the observance of the Sabbath. But the most important commandment for Jesus was to love God and your neighbor. In tonight’s retreat, Cardinal Seán poses the question, Who is my neighbor? We find the answer in the parable of the Good Samaritan, who didn’t see a stranger, but another fallen human being, in need of help.

Reflection Questions
  1. The Good Samaritan really “saw” the other person. Who is the Lord asking you to really “see” and then reach out to?
  2. In this time of social isolation, who in your family or parish is more isolated? How can you comfort them?
  3. Think about ways you can see the good in others whom you disagree with. Then draw them into your life.
For more information on Cardinal Seán's Virtual Retreat, visit https://www.bostoncatholic.org/virtualretreat
© 2020 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, A Corporation Sole